

(released, ongoing)

Rune Knights is a Steam game that has been solo-developed for about two years now. The developer brought me on as a freelance level designer, and I officially began working on the game in December.

We use premade asset packs purchased from the Unreal Engine Marketplace, but all of the lighting, effects, & most of the blueprints are done from scratch or used a template. Though, I only worked on the level aspect.

My first level isn’t in the game quite yet as it’s still a WIP (though I will be adding the WIP shots to my portfolio). It’s a fairly long dungeon, and unfortunately that’s just about all I can say until it’s released, but I’m beyond excited to see players in my first ever dungeon!




I joined Skater Frog in the second and final semester of development. It started, from what I know, as a sort of joke in our class - soon enough became the most anticipated game in our college.

I worked on the levels, so all of the elements you can jump over, grind on, and avoid were placed by me. We used the Unity Engine with a custom level editor written from scratch by a fellow team member named Gavin Camlin. It was rudimentary and barebones, but it did what we needed it to do!