Medieval village - 4/28/2022

I’ve always been extremely fond of those little villages you pass through MMOs that don’t have much to offer - a small handful of quests, a merchant or two, and a flight path or an inn to rest your head. So I tried replicating that! This small village has a path following a river, a small market, plenty of opportunity for questgivers, merchants, and other player infrastructure nestled into a mountainy forest!

I really wanted to focus on creating a convincing village while maintaining proper playability & player routing, so I kept this project a little simple, but I really enjoy how it came out!

Assets: Fantasy and Medieval Architecture by Denys Rutkovskyi, Environment Set by Nature Manufacture, Medieval Houses Vol2 by Game Asset Factory (all on UE Marketplace)

Engine is UE 4.25


Check out the video below! Throw it in fullscreen and enjoy. :)