a short third-person game focused on your environment.

THRD is my latest project - larger than anything I’ve done for my portfolio (so far). I absolutely adore those walking simulators that put heavy emphasis on story and visuals - Fire Watch, Dear Esther and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture. While a full-fledged story isn’t within the scope of this project, I wanted to create a beautiful world that’ll test my knowledge of Unity. Welcome to the journey! I’ll be posting major updates beneath the Moodboard & Overworld.



To keep a more cohesive theme, I created a small moodboard with some visual & environmental elements I want to incorporate into this project. Mood & shaders will be a core component of this game!


THRD places you in Thera, a small, old village tucked between two intersecting mountains. As you fetch a bucket of water from the great river for your grandma, you’ll explore the grand forests, streams, and views this old plot of land has to offer. As these are day one plans and drawings, they are subject to change & improvement!